Use this step-by-step guide to log in and out of Dolphin Cloud (Hosted) and access menu items.
1. Use Chrome to navigate to the Dolphin Cloud website.
2. Dolphin Cloud logins have two steps.
Step 1 to log in: Enter your assigned Dolphin license username and password. For corporate staff, this is typically a shared license with your team.
3. Click Sign in on the lower right.
Note: A shared license means only one team member can be logged in at any time.
If you see another member has an active session upon login, logout immediately and contact them to coordinate.
4. Click Dolphin Management Cloud.
5. A new RemoteApp pop-up will appear. Click Connect on the pop-up.
6. Confirm the username is the same license you initially signed in with.
If so, reenter the password, and click OK.
7. If the username is not correct, click More choices.
Then, click Use a different account, and reenter the correct login information before clicking OK.
8. Step 2 to log in: Enter your user-specific login information.
This username and password is typically not shared and is only assigned to you.
If applicable, choose the appropriate location from the dropdown. Click OK.
9. Use the Main Menu on the left side, or options along the top, to access any necessary items such as finances and reporting.
10. Dolphin Cloud logouts also have two steps.
Step 1 to log out: At the end of your session, click File and Log out Current User on the upper left menu.
11. A pop-up will appear.
Click Cancel on the pop-up.
12. A second pop-up will appear, confirming you are logging out of Dolphin Management.
Click OK.
13. Step 2 to log out: Click Sign Out on the Chrome Dolphin Cloud website.
If you do not complete this step, you could be occupying a license, causing sign-in issues for all staff.
That's it. You're done.
Here's an interactive tutorial
** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **